Fairy TreeNirolo on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/nirolo/art/Fairy-Tree-96303456Nirolo

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

October 30, 2008
To paraphrase from the suggester: I just LOVE how vivid color on a black background catches the eye! This is so intense, so magical... yet so simple in form. I think this work may be a wonderful invitation to those who don't know fractal art, yet. ~ Fairy Tree by =Nirolo is charming... a true fantasy fractal.
Featured by Sophquest
Suggested by silwenka
Nirolo's avatar

Fairy Tree



fullview O_o?

i just can't leave my fingers of that... can't i ..

same parameters i've been working on for weeks now..
probably won't be the last flame with them.

this time i used a very cool gradient called "ray of light" (in the pack [link]) by ~amberwind who derived them from photos by ~lumi-nara

thank you =silwenka for the suggestion and `Sophquest for the feature :)

Pictures shown in my Gallery are created by myself and property of me (Thomas Schönenbach). You may use certain images in the ways allowed by the "Creative Commons 3.0 License". If you do so, you have to credit my authorship. You must not use them in any other way without my written permission
Image size
1440x1125px 1.49 MB
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