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  • May 3
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • They / Them
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (9)
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Look at my nipples!

plz accs by :iconshiruo:

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will you forever love me? :iconlazeflirtplz:

i'll take that as a yes :iconmy-llamatrade:

promise you'll never leave me :iconlazyblushplz:

i gotta go back to lazing :iconlaze3plz:

:iconlazepoolplz: bby babe <3 :iconrazycryplz:

... And remember baby, KILL JUSTIN BIEBER. :iconlazypervplz:
Hey Sexy :iconlazeplz:
I see that you're actually reading this :iconlazywaveplz:
Now let's chat :iconnipplelazeplz:
I'm one sexy cat named Laze :iconlazeflirtplz:

If you've been around on many laze accounts...:iconlazyallofusplz::iconlazyallofusplz:
you would know that this is a new laze-attack :iconbunnylazeplz: 

LAZE PART 2, BABY :iconprettylazeplz:

So welcome back to my lazylove :iconaurora-1990:
How are you, bby? :iconlazyroseplz: 
I've been missing you :iconlazepoolplz:
Here's a poem I made for you :iconlazewaveplz:

fuck all those other cats:iconlazythrowplz::iconcatkickplz: :iconlazeoverkillplz:
u only need me  :iconlazymacho2plz:
never leave me  :iconlazyweepplz:
Can you promise me that you'll love me? :iconmy-llamatrade:
a lot, and not a little :iconlazerotateplz: 
the thing is...:iconstandbylazeplz: 
that...I'll always know that.. :iconlaze2plz: 
you will always love me  :iconkawaiilazeplz:

Was that pretty for you? :iconcoollazeplz:
Now for some roleplay about our marriage life :iconlazycryheartplz:
:iconsaysplz: Ready for bed, babe? :iconlazyinviteplz:
and you gonna be like
:iconsaysplz: Of course I am :iconlazysmplz:
I'll be in charge tonight, but it'll cost ya :iconbralazeplz:
Was that a sexy image in your head?
How embarrasing :iconlazyblushplz::iconlazyblush2plz: tehehehe<33

:iconangrylazeplz: Now I have a question :iconangrylazeplz:
Why are you still reading this  :iconlazypoolplz:
You don't want to be :iconrudelazeplz:?
OR :iconlazyshyplz:
DO YOU LOVE ME :iconlazyrainbowplz:

Mindfuck? :iconlazysurfplz:
At least you don't have to go around looking for somethin to say :iconlazingplz:
This is tiring  :icontoolazyplz:
Love you bby :iconlazeflirtplz:
Don't fall for those copy-cats :iconlazyyaranaikaplz: :iconlazyflipplz:

:iconlazywaveplz: ByeBye Babe<33 :iconrazycryplz:
:iconcryforeverplz::iconsaysplz: o noez!!!111!!111oneone i-i-i-it's-!
:iconspodermanplz::iconsaysplz: its spoderman
:iconmother-of-godplz::iconsaysplz: get outta hea will ya1?!!/!1?! im tryna b dramatick
:iconspodermanplz::iconsaysplz: o ur no fun
:iconcryforeverplz::iconsaysplz: AHEM...  i-it's--!
:iconover9000-plz::iconsaysplz: IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!
:iconfliptableplz::iconsaysplz: o fuk dis sheet i quit
:iconspodermanplz::iconsaysplz: o dont b an fagit
 (spamming sorry ;^; ) 

This freaked me out This isn't fake. Apparently, if you copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain you will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In the next 53 minutes someone will say I love you or I'm sorry