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Captain Awesome
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Australia
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

Current Residence: In a Pineapple under the Sea
Favourite genre of music: Skate Punk/Pop Punk
Favourite style of art: Digital Media and computer graphics
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPhone
Favourite cartoon character: Goku or Finn
Personal Quote: "Somebody might as well eat 'em." -Uncle Peter

Favourite Movies
Wanted and Zombieland
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Blink 182 <3
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Death Ray
Other Interests
Video games
So it has been a very long time since I last updated, but I began sketching a couple of pictures the other day, and it got me thinking that I should be more active... so here goes my attempt. As far as updationg goes, I should have a few sketches up (They&#039;re pretty terrible) soonish, as well as some Pokemon-related content I love to post and maybe a few doodles I make in illustrator. Keep and eye out! :)
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Updating again

0 min read
Hey devart, Captain awesome here. I recently got adobe illustrator and I decided i&#039;d use it, so expect some drawings over the next couple of days :) Ciao ♥
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0 min read
So yeah, it&#039;s been like, 8 months since I last posted. I had my birthday a few weeks ago. I&#039;m a lot more obsessed with video games since I last posted. I am planning on making my own crappy one, so maybe i&#039;ll put up some of the concept art and screenies if I can be bothered later, so keep an eye out. Love you all, Ninty. Also, hit my up on Playstation online. I have a heap of games, so there is probably something we can play. ID: IN54N3G3N1U5
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Profile Comments 4

anonymous's avatar
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Hey, I'm working on a Pokemon game and am running low on resources. Would you mind if I use the sprite of Jacob? Before turning me down take a look at the game which is at Pokecommunity ([link]) The game is progressing very well but not in the graphical sense.
Somebody actually wants to use my sprites?! Sure, go ahead. I might see If I can help with anything else, too, if you like.
thanks for the watch :D
That's ok! Thanks for the friending!