Ninji OnimushaNinjatic on DeviantArt

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Ninji Onimusha



Done while listening to Posthumus: [link] - This should be his sountrack while his fighting! :3 *nods* xD

I was cleaning my USB drive, then found few of my unfinished
drawings (including this)... so decided to finish it instead.

i thought i deleted this drawing by accident, haha
he was just hiding in my USB drive xD

Anyway, since i've been drawing fanarts lately, i just thought of posting my OC, yeah i know i hardly draw him ><

i should draw him more often D:


**Yes, that is infact a fire and ice katana: Blizzagra and Fira xD [blue and red blade]
** Yes, his left arm is cursed and he is half demon not dragon lol.
** Yes, he is a Ninja a Voodoo type shinobi. [don't ask]

Art/OC © Kirk Quilaquil
Image size
1000x833px 736.34 KB
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TheMethuser's avatar
This is realy good, can you please make more of them, because i like to draw them for me.
sry for bad English