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Home Made Binding Tutorial



I made a very ghetto chest binder this weekend. It took about 10 minutes. So hopefully you will enjoy it~
This was my first tutorial, so hopefully I can give back to the community that has helped me so much~
Author's notes
:bulletblack:I got my elastic at the Downtown Los Angeles Fashion District. Other than that, I'm not really sure where to get it...
:bulletblack:I am a cup size C. I have no idea how this will work for others.
:bulletblack:If at any point you feel faint, or your chest is numb to the touch, immediately take off the binder.
:bulletblack:have fun and be creative with it
Image size
1124x10000px 4.06 MB
© 2011 - 2024 ninjagal6
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theakwardgenderfluid's avatar
Where can I get this elastic stuff? Is there any alternative to it?