Commission Lottery 2025 - openNinaIstMe on DeviantArt

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NinaIstMe's avatar

Commission Lottery 2025 - open


Badge Awards


My Goal is to raise some money for a new Computer.

1 Slot - 5€ / 500 Da Points

No Slotlimit per Person

Just Comment the Slot/s u wanna claim and if u like €(paypal) or Points

RULES/T.O.S. - read them upfront - T.O.S.

All Slots are premarked with the win and will be revealed once claimed.

Following Prize are hidden behind the numbers

10x Headshot Flatcolor

3x Headshot simple Shaded

4x Halfbody Flatcolor

2x Halfbody simple Shaded

3x Fullbody Flatcolor

1x Fullbody simple Shaded

4x Chibi Flatcolor

2x Chibi Shaded

4x Emote (with simpel Animation)

6x YCH Ticket - worth 300 Points (can be used to order open YCH)
3x YCH Ticket - worth 500 Points (can be used to order open YCH)

1x YCH Ticket - worth 800 Points (can be used to order open YCH)

10x Adoptable Coupon - worth 300 Points (can be used to buy open Adoptable)

5x Adoptable Coupon - worth 500 Points (can be used to buy open Adoptable)

3x Adoptable Coupon - worth 800 Points (can be used to buy open Adoptable)

10x Commission Coupon - worth 300 Points (can be used to order Commission)

3x Commission Coupon - worth 500 Points (can be used to order Commission)

1x Commission Coupon - worth 800 Points (can be used to order Commission)

2x Lineworkfill or Linework creation

20x Artwork Suprise

2x Win of Wish (u pick a Win of the list above)

Tickets and Coupons can be used for Open stuff that matches the named category.

Tickets and Coupons can be used before they expire.

Unused Commissionslots, Tickets and Coupons will lose their worth and be deleted 5. June 2025!

You can see claimed Slots by revealed Butterfly within the Image above ^.~

wanna see last years commission lottery? -> Lottery - Closed

Inspired by Lottery of reebadopts

Image size
3900x2660px 1.27 MB
© 2025 NinaIstMe
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YumekoKatsuya's avatar

Shouldn`t do it. ...

D5, D6, E4, E7, F4, F7, G5, G6, J5, J6 please.