The Subtle OnesNimrais on DeviantArt

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January 10, 2010
The Subtle Ones by ~Nimrais "describes the painting's content as beautiful as it looks like. Nimrais managed to interpret the very soft and calm Okapis and their habitat beautifully and naturally. The warm colours and soft light of the background seems to perfectly embosom the two subtle ones. This is without an exception one of the most beautiful paintings of anthropomorphic Okapis that I have seen. The artist's creations never cease to amaze me hence a visit to her gallery is definitely worth it!"
Featured by Quelfabulous
Suggested by AlectorFencer
Nimrais's avatar

The Subtle Ones



This is my contribution to the Anthro Calendar 2010 (unfortunately there is no website yet). The theme is "unusual anthros" and I chose the okapi, inhabitant of the congolese rainforest in Africa :) They are simply gorgeous animals.

The background was a pain in the ass, especially the water ... and yes, the male okapi is drinking water out of his palm. ; P The clothing should be traditional congolese, as far as I can trust the only 3 ancient reference illustrations of congolese men and woman.

EDIT: Thank you so much :iconalectorfencer: for suggesting this piece as a DD! And thanks for featuring it! I really appreciate it! =))
Image size
970x686px 540.46 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Nimrais
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