
Moving on, Together Chapter 3

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Luz knew there was something strange happening between Eda and Lilith. They were always together, but whenever Luz entered the room Lilith would jump or quickly distance herself from Eda. If the sisters went to a different room Lilith would look over her shoulder, as if she was worried someone was following them.

Sometimes it was Eda who acted weird. Luz would wake up to the wonderful smell of breakfast and find Eda was hard at work cooking, something she never did before. There were also times where Eda would wait patiently or fidget uncontrollably as she waited for Lilith to return from the market or the library. Hooty had even picked up the habit of opening the door for just enough time for Eda to perk up before laughing and closing it. That was until she nearly ripped him off from the hinges.

“Maybe she’s mind controlling her!” King slammed his paws on the table. Luz didn’t want to believe it, but Lilith had been their enemy only a short time ago. It was hard to get over something like that despite Eda endorsing her sister.

“But why!?” was the only question Luz couldn’t answer. The dark witch was powerless now and no longer part of Belos’ forces. If she was controlling Eda it would’ve been for personal gain.

“She’s afraid Eda will kick her out!” King yelled, “think about it! Why would Eda let her stay here after everything that’s happened! If Eda was herself she would’ve fed her to a sea demon!”

“I don’t know,” Luz furrowed her brow, “maybe she just doesn’t want to lose Eda again? She doesn’t seem to have anything else going on.”

“There’s only one way to find out!” King jumped on the table, “we have to ask Lilith!”

“What!?” Luz choked at the thought, “if she was controlling Eda she wouldn’t tell us!”

“Well I’m out of ideas,” King shrugged and jumped off the table, “let’s go get some snacks!”

“No. We have to see what they are doing when we aren’t around,” Luz quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, “it’s the only way to make sure Eda is safe.”

“So…No snacks?” King asked as he watched Luz start to write notes on the piece of paper.

“Not today! We have to watch a witch when she isn’t expecting it!”


It was late at night at the Owl House. The moon was slowly crawling past it’s mid point towards the horizon. Hooty was snoring outside, scaring away any potential friend or foe. All of the windows were dark except the one for the kitchen. A light orb gently hovered over the room, filling it with a dim, warm light. Beneath it sat the two Clawthornes next to the counter, making their way through their third  bottle of Hard Apple Blood.

The former coven leader and the former most wanted criminal in the Boiling isles had decided to have some late night drinks once the kids were asleep. Eda was wearing her usual pink sweater and blue skirt, although most of the stains were gone after Lilith had washed them multiple times. Lilith was wearing a simple, black silk robe that reached her knees and elbows, tightly closed by a sash.

“Do you remember how you were my date for Grom Night!?” Eda laughed before taking another gulp from her glass of Apple Blood, “everyone was afraid I’d pull some crazy prank on the poor soul that asked me out!

“It wasn’t that bad!” Lilith chuckled into her hand before taking a sip of her own glass.

“Not that bad!? Everyone thought there was something suspicious between us after nothing happened to you!” Eda cackled, spitting out whatever was in her mouth, “Titan knows not even my sister should’ve been saved! Can you imagine their faces if we kissed that night!?”

“If only they could see us now,” Lilith looked down at her drink that had suddenly turned bitter, “I-I think that’s enough for today.”

Eda stopped laughing when she saw Lilith clench her jaw tight and tense her shoulders. Although Lilith had no reservations of showing Eda how much she loved her, the older woman still felt guilt over how people would judge Eda after learning of their intimate relationship. Lilith even tried to hide it from Luz and King, too afraid they might see Eda differently if they found out.

The Owl Lady let out a deep sign and swallowed whatever Apple Blood was left in her glass.

“Listen,” Eda threw her glass  over her shoulder and reached for Lilith’s hands.

“Eda, you’ll wake the others!” the dark witch gasped and quickly tried to draw a circle out of instinct, but Eda grabbed both of her hands and pulled her close.

“I was only joking,” Eda rubbed Lilith’s knuckles, “I’m sorry.”

Lilith laced their fingers together and leaned into the younger woman’s chest, “Do you remember how we danced for so long we hadn’t noticed the Grom battle?”

“Don’t laugh, but I actually took lessons from the Dancing Coven a week before,” Eda released Lilith’s hands and reached for her sister’s forgotten glass of alcohol.

“Why did you do that?” Lilith rested her chin on Eda’s shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying the heat coming from her sister.

“Because I knew how important Grom was for you. If it had been anyone else they would’ve had a rash for a week,” Eda chugged the leftover Apple Blood and threw the glass over her shoulder again.

“Mama is ready, let’s do this!” Eda completely pulled herself away from her sister and stepped back until she was just barely at arm’s reach.

Lilith’s eyes snapped open when she felt the cold night air hit her body.

“My dearest Lily,” the Owl Lady bowed and out stretched her hand towards her, “will you honor me with this dance?”

“What are you talking about!?” Lilith felt concern for her sister, maybe they did have too much to drink tonight.

“I won’t take no for an answer,” Eda teased. She raised herself and stepped towards Lilith. Once she was close enough she placed a hand on the older woman’s shoulder and the other at the dip of her waist.

“You’re serious?” Lilith tried to pull away, but that only made Eda hold her tighter. She felt blood rush all over her body when she realized Eda’s knee had slipped past her robe and graced her inner thigh for just a moment.

“Do you remember the song?” Eda smiled at the dark witch.

“Not really…” Lilith looked away, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

“Just follow my lead, okay?” Eda started to hum a slow and steady tune and moved her feet accordingly. Lilith had to look at her feet for the first few steps, but once the rhythm came to her she looked back up. Edalyn was smiling at her, it wasn’t the usual smirk or grin, but something more sincere.


Lilith was suddenly back to her last year at Hexside. She had been to all of the previous Grom Nights, but had spent all of them in the corner of the gym. It seemed no one wanted to dance with her. Who would ever ask her to Grom when they were fighting to ask Odalia or Edalyn?

Lilith bit her lower lip and felt bitter tears start to form, threatening to stain the dress she worked so hard for.

“Care to dance with me, Lily?” a familiar voice brought Lilith back from her dark thoughts.

Through teary eyes she saw Edalyn in a black suit with a red lily in her pocket, beaming a bright smile at her.

The redhead looked away, “Aren’t you here with Raine or your other friends?”

“No,” Eda gently grabbed Lilith’s chin and turned her head towards her, “I’m here to give you that Grom Night you always wanted. Plus the Bard track students are playing the music so Raine’s a little busy.”

“You’re not going to pull some prank on me?”

“Nope, look,” Edalyn pulled out the pockets of her suit, rolled back her sleeves and shook her orange mane without a single thing falling out.

“Do you trust me now?” Edalyn offered her hand to her sister after she readjusted her suit.

Lilith took Eda’s hand and let her take her to the middle of the dance floor. The redhead suddenly felt all of the students’ eyes turn towards them.

“Ignore them, it’s just me and you tonight!” Edalyn gave Lilith that sincere smile, washing away the doubt that was behind those round glasses. Lilith had never told Edalyn this, but she absolutely loved that smile. It felt as if she was facing the sun in a warm summer day, a gentle warmth that brought peace to her mind.

Edalyn quickly turned towards the Bards on the stage and gave Raine a thumbs up before returning her attention to Lilith. Raine nodded and motioned the band to start playing a song Edalyn had written for tonight.

“What was that?” Lilith raised an eyebrow, maybe Eda was planning something.

“Just making a request. It’s a song called Lilith’s Illumination,” Eda started to lead the dance as the bards began to play.


“Lilith’s Illumination…” Lilith muttered to herself as she kept pace with Eda.

“Uh huh,” Edalyn simply nodded, “It took Raine and I a whole month to write that one, but I think it was worth it.”

“Titan…” the Dark Witch stopped moving and stood still like a gargoyle.

“What’s wrong?” concern laced Eda’s voice.

“You did so much for me and…and I repaid it by cursing you,” Lilith lowered her head, draping her face with her black hair, “and by destroying our entire family.”

“I’ll be the first one to admit I wasn’t always so nice,” Eda shifted her hand from  Lilith’s shoulder to her back, rubbing small circles on the tense muscles, “do you remember when I flirted with that construction coven boy you liked?”

Lilith was silent, but Eda could feel her body shaking and hear her faint sobbing.

“I was jealous of him. He wasn’t worth your time,” The Owl Lady took the hand on her sister’s hip and brought it up to her chin, tilting her face so she could look at her in the eyes.

“You- you can’t compare the two,” Lilith stammered, although the tears had stopped they left wet trails on her pale face that Eda wiped away with her thumb.

“It’s all in the past, we have each other now,” Eda pressed her forhead against Lilith’s, “we have to move on, together.” Before Lilith could reply Eda had pressed their lips together.

“Together,” Lilith wrapped her arms around Eda’s neck and deepened the kiss.

Eda hummed with approval, letting Lilith take control of the dance their tongues had started. That was until she felt Lilith put her knee between her legs and start to kiss her jaw and neck.

“Wow! Things are getting a little too hot!” It was Eda’s turn to start blushing.

“What’s wrong?” Lilith pulled back, confused since the younger woman always enjoyed it when she took charge.

“Okay, you can come out now!” Eda turned towards the entrance to the kitchen, “I know you’re hiding!”

The dark witch reached for the bottle of Hard Apple Blood and clutched it tight. Even without magic she’ll use anything to protect her dear Edalyn.

“Don’t make me get Hooty!” Eda crossed her arms and started tapping her foot.

Luz and King scrambled to get into the kitchen, practically tripping over each other.

Lilith’s eyes went wide as she realized they had seen and heard everything.

“How did you know we were there!?” King shouted, pointing a clawed finger at the two women.

“You caught the cups, dingus!” Eda pointed at both of their hands. King’s eyes slowly drifted down, revealing one of the cups on his other hand.

 “Curse my natural reflexes!” Luz signed before putting the other cup on a nearby counter.

“Would anyone care to explain to me what’s going on!?” Lilith’s eyes darted between the eavesdroppers and Eda.

“Well?” Eda asked when neither Luz nor King spoke up.

“I-i…” Luz tried to find any way to explain her mistrust of Lilith, but everything she just saw and heard had left her speechless.

“We thought something weird was going on!” King started to explained, “and we thought that maybe Lilith was doing something to you! So we decided to sorta, maybe spy on you guys…” With each word King stepped closer to Luz until he was hugging her leg.

“You didn’t trust me?” there was pain behind Lilith’s words, “ neither of you?”

“Even after I told you I trusted her!” Eda moved to Lilith’s side and wrapped an arm around her  waist. Her apprenticed had gone against her wishes before, but this felt like a stab at her heart.

“No. I didn’t,” Luz finally spoke up, “but after seeing just how much you love Eda I know I was wrong and I’m sorry,” the usually peppy girl hung her head.

“Well then,” Eda tried to stay mad, but the sad look on Luz’s face told her the girl was being sincere, “let this be a lesson to both of you to trust me more!”

“Yes,” Luz and King said in unison.

“Luz,” Lilith spoke up, “what can I do to earn your trust?”

“Make Eda happy,” Luz didn’t hesitate to answer, “that’s all I ever want for her.”

“Do you approve of our relationship?” the question hung heavy between the two. Eda bit her lower lip with anticipation and King started to fidget with his claws as they waited for Luz’s response.

“It’s different,” Luz still didn’t know how she really felt about the two sisters becoming lovers. Everything was so different in the Boiling Isles, but the worry both sisters showed as they waited for her answer helped her find some footing, “but as long as Eda is happy I’m happy!”

The Clawthornes let out a collective sigh before looking at each other and smiling.

“That’s enough sappy, feely stuff for me today,” Eda wiped her brow, “I think it’s time for you to go to bed.”

Luz simply nodded and ushered King towards their closet, both thankful they didn’t get punished by cleaning Hooty again.

“Shall we retire as well?” Lilith said once the two kids had closed the closet door.

“After we finish our dance,” Eda assumed her leading position and started humming again with Lilith happily joining her.

It's been a while but i have finally gotten time to write and draw again! I've written about 20-30 drafts for this chapter alone and i hope it was worth the wait. I'm going to try and make this as canon as possible with Edalith as the main focus, which means there will be more chapters coming soon, including Gwen and Raine's reaction. I also have ideas for a few one-shots, including some smut if you're into that. So i hope you guys stay tuned.
© 2021 - 2025 Nimi-Halter
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jasontgs's avatar

Luz is a child of the internet she probably read alot of f@@3ked fanfiction