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wave remake



Since the stray pixels and the bounce of :wave: bugs me so much, I hardly never use it. Though not using it leaves a gap, and I've yet to find a good greeting emote I actually like. Here's my n'th attempt on making another waving emote.

I'm not so keen on it though. Looks like it's shaking a finger, or directing an orchestra, or just tapping along to music. Still, it's better than the other heya emote I made. I think. Hm.

Using a new ":aww:" face on this one.

:bulletyellow::bulletyellow: See also: next wave remake

:bulletgreen::bulletgreen: Details
Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Frames: 6
Runtime: 0.60 seconds.
Quickest frame: 0.09 seconds.

:bulletgreen::bulletgreen: Creative Commons
Attribution: Use this emoticon wherever you please, but where it's possible you must always link back to this page.
Noncommercial: You can never use this emoticon where you make money.
Share-Alike: You can edit this emoticon however you please, but everyhing you make with it has to be submitted with Creative Commons Attribution / Noncommercial / Share-Alike 3.0 and link back to this page.
Image size
19x19px 924 B
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