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Jerry Seinfeld Apartment floorplan v2


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The apartment of Jerry Seinfeld from his show "SEINFELD"

Some sets have changed throughout the different seasons and this floorplan is a mixture of various of them.

This is a hand drawed plan, in scale, coloured with colour pencils and with full details of furniture, fabric, timbers and complements...

The design is made according with the "real" apartment respecting the spaces, proportions, furniture and objets presents in the studio set.


If you want to buy an original drawing, especially handmade for you, contact me at or visit my ETSY store:…

Image size
6368x8007px 11.23 MB
© 2012 - 2024 nikneuk
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PhantoonDraygon781's avatar

What’s the smaller second map in the corner? I initially thought it was supposed to Kramer’s apartment but upon further inspection it just seems to be a different version of Jerry’s apartment, is it based on a particular version (like an early version) or is it just an alternate interpretation that’s also plausible?