Floorplan of Three's Company Apartmentnikneuk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nikneuk/art/Floorplan-of-Three-s-Company-Apartment-332068565nikneuk

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Floorplan of Three's Company Apartment


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The apartment of Jack Tripper, Janet Wood and Chrissy Snow from the show "Three's Company"

Some sets have changed throughout the different seasons and this floorplan is a mixture of various of them.

This is a hand drawed plan, in scale, coloured with colour pencils and with full details of furniture, fabric, timbers and complements...

The design is made according with the "real" apartment respecting the spaces, proportions, furniture and objets presents in the studio set.


If you want to buy an original drawing, especially handmade for you, contact me at ializar@hotmail.com or visit my ETSY store:

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6980x5476px 3.53 MB
© 2012 - 2025 nikneuk
anonymous's avatar
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I plan on adding an addition onto my big barn, an apt to rent out. The barn is ten feet tall on the lower level, and thirty feet long. I thought it would be cool to build a threes company apt on the side of it. Look at the blueprint and picture the lowest edge being the barn wall, the wall of the apt you never see in the show. I was looking for a plan with measurements, but not finding any. Then I had the idea I can measure the beds or fridge in this  plan and figure it from that, those sizes are universal. If I do the project, I might just rent my house out and live in the apt myself. I can pretend to be Jack. I just need a couple of hot girls to make the thing complete.