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Political correctness



Wolf and sheep :) An illustration for HUMR magazine #4. Name of the article: "Political correctness"
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600x459px 59.55 KB
© 2007 - 2024 niknars
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Imperator-Zor's avatar
What is 'Political Correctness'? It is a process starting in the 1970s in which some people try to re-work the way people spoke or thought in academics and general parlance to be less loaded and more inclusive. Don't refer to the "men of France" but the "people of France" and eliminate things where minorities were the butt of jokes simply for being minorities with dark skin and so forth. A few people got a bit over-zealous in this and did things like remove Huckelberry Finn from the libraries due to the presence of the N-Word, which led to some comedians making jokes about it. Then Right Wing figures used this new buzz word to contrive some convoluted totalitarian scheme and made it out to get you and impose a dictatorship somehow. The aims of which was to let them be homophobic, sexist and racist and look like the heroes.