
Spyro TF part 12

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Ripto was out of options... Or was he? He stood for a while it seemed like until he raised his scepter and it rained green lights.  In a flash, there was a giant reptilian like Ripto that roared so loudly that people had to turn down their TVs if heard from their living room or where else.
"This guy just doesn't give up!" Agent 9 exclaimed.
"He never does!" Hunter said.
Ripto began to run towards the heroes and swing his club scepter to try and knock them out.  However, the heroes ducked. Bentley came and gave Ripto a whack on the arm.  It worked kind of.
The end fight was only just beginning.  There were TVs showing the disaster all over the southern states.  Little did anyone know that this was to be history.
Spyro looked at Ripto tempted to taunt him.  Taunt he did!
"Hey shorty! I'm right here!" Spyro said taunting the reptilian Ripto.
Ripto looked in anger.  He started to chase Spyro but he missed a chance to swing at Spyro. Spyro then flamed Ripto giving him a singe.
Justin looked on and realized that the portals was opening.  Maybe if they distracted Ripto long enough, he could push him in.  But he's mad at Spyro right now for calling him shorty...  Unless...
"Spyro! Try luring Ripto into the portal!"  Justin called out.
"Try luring Ripto into the portal! It can our only way to get rid of him!"
Spyro eyed the portal while he was getting chased.  So did Ripto unfortunately.  The villain had a grin on his face.  That portal could lead anywhere and he knew it.
Spyro had to distract Ripto into leading him into the portal.  But how?
Sheila suddenly had disappeared.  So did the Agent 9 and Bentley.  Where did they go? Ripto thought.
As soon as Ripto turned around to see them, Spyro ran off towards the portal.
Bentley, Sheila, Sgt Byrd, Hunter, and Agent 9 had him cornered.  They were ready to attack.  Ripto swung his club to attack them. "Now!" Sheila said.
Ripto missed Justin jumping on his club and shocking his reptilian head with lightning breath.  That gave him a dizzy feeling.  Then he fell down when Bentley knocked him out with his club.
The heroes pushed the crazed Ripto into the portal where it had closed... Not completely closed though.  In the portal, Ripto came to his senses and tried to get Spyro but Sheila kicked him back in the portal where it had closed.
Was it over? Yes it was.  But the story is not.
The heroes huffed and puffed at the fight's end.  It was over.  And they were tired!
At Justin's home, Hannah and Jonathan could not believe it.  Their son was a hero!
Everyone cheered.  The cops did too.
"Seems a little anti-climatic, but it was some fight!" said a man in the crowd.
The whole crowd was cheering at how weird, scary, and odd the fight was.
They were happy that it was over and so did Team Spyro.
The cops and people gathered around Justin and Spyro as well as Spyro's friends.
"We thought we were going to lose you!" Hunter said .
"Yeah, surprisingly, I thought I was going to die." Spyro said.  "Ripto almost had me! "
There was so many questions that must be answered now and the friends were ready to answer them... Just as soon as they take a short break.
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