Figure Shoot Tutorialnikicorny on DeviantArt

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July 10, 2012
Learn how to build your own Light Box with Figure Shoot Tutorial by =nikicorny
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by karinchiip
nikicorny's avatar

Figure Shoot Tutorial



Hey everyone, this is my first tutorial ever LOL :lol:

Figure 101!:[link]
Tutorial #2: [link]
Tutorial #3: [link]
Extra: [link]
Retouching Photo: [link]

I hope you find this useful! :D If you have any questions, feedback, or critics, just comment here :love:

Tutorial request: note me anytime!

Some photos with the lightbox:

Check out my gallery for more figure photography! [link]

10/07/2012: OMG a DD ;w; thank you so much Karinchiii! :love:
Image size
1500x5392px 2.32 MB
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AnotherOddity's avatar
:star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Vision
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:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Impact

It's straightforward, self-explanatory, helpful, and it makes sense.
Very good for new photographers, ball-jointed doll artists, doll artists, sculptures, basically any 3D art.

Taking photos of 3D art isn't always easy, you need a well-lit neutral background. There are many alternatives, but they're mostly either too complicated, too deer, or are too makeshift to work.

I make sculptures from time to time and I was wondering how I should take proper photos, I know this is going to be really helpful. I know I'll use this.

It'll be interesting to see what you and others come up with.

Keep posting!