LIAISIONS art contest - CLOSED

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Liaisons - Art and literature contest - CLOSED by NikeMV

Here we are with the first contest about my story "Fleur de Lys". The main theme are links, bonds, in French "liaisons": you have to portray a couple of your choice from this story. It can be a couple of lovers or friends: you choose! You can find the list of characters at the end of the journal.

[Edit: The entries are displayed at the end of the journal.]



You can:
- Send your entry until the 20 September, via email to Write your name, your website and (if you want) the title of your entry and a brief description.
- Partecipate with a drawing in any skill you want.
- Partecipate with a fanfiction, written in English or Italian, no more than 5 pages.
- Partecipate with a drawing AND a fanfiction, or more drawings, or more fanfictions. You have more chances to win, but everyone can win just once.
You can change the setting/background if you want, but you have to respect characters' features, so no OOC please! The thing that really matters is no misreading the characters' personalities and especially the essence of their relationship! If you have any doubts about their personality/looking, ask me!
- Mature content is admitted, as far as it respects dA policy.
- Post your entry non dA linking back to this journal in the description. If you can't partecipate, advising would be very appreciated!

You can't:
- Draw/write about a single character or a group.
- Do photomanipulations or artisan crafts.
- Draw/write about a couple that isn't in the list (for example, NO Adrien/Renée, NO Maxim/Célestine).
- Copy original drawings.
- Join with a drawing made before the 25th June 2015.
- Use extremely violent scens, or any scene against the standard of the social networks. Hard themes are welcome, but no exagerations please!


- There will be two main prizes: one for the best drawing and one for the best fanfiction. If there will be more than 10 entries for a category, I'll choose the second winner.
- Each category has to count at least 3 entries, unless the partecipants will have a free sketch.
- I choose the winners, likes don't matter this time! I'll choose the pieces that, according to me, are not just beauiful to see/read, but that also depicts very well the relationship beween the characters you chose to portray

- First prize: a free commission from me in any style you want, up to 2 characters + original shipped if you order a traditional commission + a handmade bookmark+ 150 dA points.

- Second prize (eventual): 1 character fullbody or 2 characters halfbodies + a bookmark printed with a drawing of your choice + 50 points.

:iconlachoirplz: Have fun!! :iconlachoirplz:



Adrien and Maxim - The main characters

In Rouen, Adrien Meunier is not only known for his achievements in theater, but also for his confidence with lewd and lascivious men. He'd continue for much longer, if Maxim Dumont hadn't entered in his life, handsome and gentle as a prince from a children's fairy tale. But Adrien is not a child and need any prince. A complicated relationship borns, among passion, misunderstandings and escapes... Maxim is openly in love, Adrien is terrified from his sweet and loving words: they seem too much different to stand their strange relationship, yet they're unable to forsake each other. And also when Adrien gets scarred from an old and violent lover, he discovers again that he can fully trust Maxim... but sometimes it seems not to be enough.
They manage to go ahead between love and incomprehensions, but one day their paths diverge. They meet again two years later, and may things have changed... But they don't know that their lives are still inextricably linked.

- Setting: from 1835 -
[Refsheet] Adrien by NikeMV  [Refsheet] Maxim by NikeMV  Do you still think I'm a kid? by NikeMV  The moment I saw him by NikeMV  AM141c2 by NikeMV Storm - Minicomic by NikeMV Discovering tenderness by NikeMV  Scar by NikeMV 
AM140b by NikeMV  Illusion ou deraison by NikeMV 

Mature Content

Safe by NikeMV
   Souviens toi des moments divins by NikeMV   Urgent desir by NikeMV 


Renée and Nicolas - The secret lovers

Before giving birth to Adrien, Renée had a lover. They could be perfect for each other, if only Nicolas wasn't a homeless man... But Renée was ready to say goodbye to her state of rich and elevated lady, if that meant living forever with her beloved Nicolas. Their relationship is genuine and pure, and they would sacrifice anything for each other and would leave their beloved one rather than make the other suffer: in fact, despite their young age (Renée is 15, Nicolas is 23 years old), they're pretty mature. But they can't no longer hide themselves when Renée gets pregnant. Despite the difficulties, they try until the end to stay together, but when Renée's parents force her to marry a rich and old widow, they have to say goodbye, and they don't know if they will ever meet again.

- Setting: 1816 - 1818 -
  Nicolas - palette by NikeMV  Viens avec moi! by NikeMV We were young by NikeMV Je t'attendrais by NikeMV  Je suis sale sans toi by NikeMV 


Adrien and Cèlestine - The best friends

Célestine was the first person Adrien managed to trust in, after escaping away from his parents. They are similar in some way, fierce and willing to be indipendent, and their strong personalities often make them dispute. In fact, they're almost like brother and sister, and not just because they often play this role in theatre. One day, being in love with Maxim will take Adrien far from Célestine, and when they'll meet again a couple of years later, things may be changed, and Adrien seems to need to learn again what "friendship" actually means.

- Setting: from 1835 -

Things that don't change by NikeMV  Bring it on, we'll have fun! by NikeMV  You little bastard by NikeMV Ac B by NikeMV  [Refsheet] Adrien by NikeMV  Celestine - palette by NikeMV  Celestine by NikeMV  Do you still think I'm a kid? by NikeMV Celestine by NikeMV  reunion sketches by NikeMV


Maxim and Anne - The unrequited love

When his lovestory with Adrien seemed to be over, Maxim wasn't able to live in their home further more. This is why he moved to an inn, trying to forget. Here he meets Anne, a sweet innkeeper, and after a few months she seems to be able to let him forget his past with Adrien. Unfortunately that's not true, but Anne is so tender and loving that Maxim tries to believe that she will be able to treat his scars, maybe in the future...
- Setting: from 1840 -

AM118 copia by NikeMV  [Refsheet] Maxim by NikeMV  Anne - Palette by NikeMV  Anne Line by NikeMV  The moment I saw him by NikeMV  Am142 by NikeMV  Anne/Maxim scene by NikeMV

P.S. Here you find everything concerning the story in general:…
If you are not sure about anything, please ask me! :heart:


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Summer Rain- for @Nike93's Liaisons Competition “ Hear my prayer Answer my call Breathe life into my soul I am waiting for you to show Come and hold me so.” –“Summer Rain,” Jeffrey B. Franzel   Anne watched as the curtain of rain grew thicker, deepening the wells of water in the gaps between cobblestones of the inn yard.  She’d heard the Englishman calling in his bad French for another bottle of table wine, but she was in no hurry to serve him.  He had ready money, it was true, but the feelings of brotherly love for foreigners, even in Rouen, were not particularly fine-tuned.  Dashing to fulfil the needs of a London gentleman—no doubt stopping at Rouen on his way to ...  Liaisons Contest EntryNicolas stumbled into the park, worrying that he was late and spotted Renee stood against a tree. As he was already late, he decided to indulge himself by taking the opportunity to enjoy looking at the beautiful girl that he loved. However, as opposed to her usual carefree smile, he was confronted by the sight of his beloved looking frail, with her face pale and drawn in the dying September sun. Her hair was lank and cloaking her face, so unlike the meticulous hairstyles that she normally sported. She wore an old faded coat and whereas clothing normally couldn’t disguise the self-assured behaviour that belonged only to the aristocracy, t...  Now is Not the End - Liaisons Contest Entry     On sunny afternoons, when Renée could still excuse herself for a walk alone, she and Nicolas would sneak away to some hidden, empty paradise to be alone.     It was on one such afternoon that they fell into each other's arms in an empty field. It had appeared as if from nowhere, there suddenly when they needed it the most, all grass and flowers and sun. All lips on lips, and hands on bodies and hearts and souls.     For a time they just laid together, whispering hushed confessions of love to each other in the privacy of the meadow, Nicolas's hand on the slight swell of Renée's belly.     After a while, when hi...

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TheDivineMissM-94's avatar

Anime Emoji (Blush Oh yay dance) [V6] 

Excited but also slightly nervous because I've never posted literature on here before, lmao!
I didn't get the chance to complete an art entry this time but I had SO much fun writing! First time I've ever written fan-fiction, woo Squee!