So what have I been up to ?! Well, in short... work work work work.....
My first bookcover will soon be available which is really exciting. Can't wait to get the
copy :D I will report more when all is official !
Hope you guys and girls are all well and still enjoy your artwork :love:
Featured Thumbs
:thumb75005192: :thumb73937064: :thumb74331888: :thumb74932885: :thumb73783531: :thumb73690980: :thumb73589959: :thumb74778691: :thumb73313164: :thumb73677311: :thumb74946293: :thumb72900659:
kinda weird
Looking at my journal today I realized that I haven't updated this in like months and really felt writing something new in here. Not that there is much to tell :giggle:
I took an online break of about 2 months and I have to admit that it really was good. Not to have go online to sort through messages,questions etc. was quite a change and refreshing. I guess I kinda had my first online breakdown or so..... but browsing through dA today was much fun and so I guess I will be around more. Babysteps... you know ?!
So what have you guys been up to ? What did I miss ?
Anyway.... as always here are some favs from my watchlist (which w