Happy April Fools!

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NightsOCclub's avatar
Happy April Fools and a birthday shout out to the one and only red jester of mayhem, Reala!

Why not show him some extra love this month with a cake or party? NiGHTS is banned from the party just to make it much more delightful day for Reala.

On a side note, share what you love about Reala, is it his design or just just plain hatred for the dream realm around him?

Lets get drawing shall we~

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Humble-3's avatar

(I feel kind of awkward being the only one to comment, but hey! someone's gotta go first, eh?)

I really like both his designs, especially his face and hands in the NiD, and the elegant and details "armour" of his JoD design. His fangs in JoD really make him threatening.

I also like how well-mannered he is and how he speaks. The facts that he is not above cheating makes him an unsettling foe, especially to Nights who prefers to play fairly. And let's not forget his vague hatred for Nights, which adds a little flare to him. I can't help but wonder what his relationship to Nights was before her rebellion...

So overall, he is a really intriguing character that really captures my attention. Stay awesome Reala :D And happy belated Reala Day!!!