Samhainnienor on DeviantArt

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nienor's avatar




Yes, I know I'm about a month late, but I started this before Halloween.
Priest in a deer skull with offerings: is that water, or something else?
I'm happy with the bonfire, but not much else.

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2125x2750px 274.17 KB
© 2009 - 2025 nienor
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EmmetEarwax's avatar
San Hain, as I render the name, figured in 2 of my stories.
(1)A cartoon story where he causes the town children to forget who they really are, and follow him, and it's up to a superhero named Radar and a young mutant to vanquish him. The actual fight has not been written. Nor will it: I stopped cartooning some 22 years ago...
(2) A menace seeking to take over Yule (slay Santa Claus,etc.). It takes Casper & company to take him down. This text story has been written and is part of the novel A GHOST FOR ALL SEASONS.

In both stories, he is depicted with a pumpkin for a head , robes and dead branches for limbs. The two are not necessarily the same Sam Hain.