Royalty Portrait - Princess Me Amore CadenzaNiegelvonWolf on DeviantArt

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Royalty Portrait - Princess Me Amore Cadenza



Finally done it after to much life BS. The final piece in my Royalty portraits is finished.

I mucked around with a few different things vs the other ones.

MLP (C) to :iconhasbroplz:

Other in the series.
Royalty Portrait - Princess Twilight Sparkle by NiegelvonWolfRoyalty Portrait - Princess Celestia by NiegelvonWolfRoyalty Portrait - Princess Luna by NiegelvonWolf
Image size
2550x3300px 3.95 MB
© 2014 - 2025 NiegelvonWolf
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Sonic5421's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Just like the Royal Sisters, I love this portrait of the Princess of Love and Twilight's sister-in-law! Her mane looks so beautiful, and even though it hides her wing from view, the coat and wings look great as well!! Her tiara and collar look very well done!! I truly love how regal, pretty, and beautiful Cadence looks in this portrait!!

I can't believe how much effort was done in doing every one of these pieces of each of the four Princesses of the Royal Family, but they are looking totally awesome!!

This is going in my Favorites right alongside the Royal Sisters and Cadence's sister-in-law, Princess Twilight. I can't wait to do my critique on the last of the Princesses' portraits and then enjoy looking at them whenever I want!!!!