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Octavia So Mellow 2015 Redraw (With Video)



Another year, and more progress!!! And what progress! Woot! It's been another Amazing year drawing my favourite little Equines and I don't plan on stopping this year. The crazy train has just picked up speed! :D

Speed Draw video
(After TWO DAYS of messing up big time making this video I finally got it all to work.)

EQD Draw-friend #7…

Please contact me first if you use it in anything! Otherwise enjoy it and free to use for desktops =p
Last Year 2014 Jan
Octavia so Mellow 2014 Redraw. by NiegelvonWolf
Original 2012 Aug
Octavia, So Mellow by NiegelvonWolf

MLP (C) to :iconhasbroplz:
Image size
3700x4500px 7.88 MB
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ella5512's avatar
I just watched the speedpaint, man this is fantastic! Could I set this as my desktop picture? :D