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Equestrian Civil War and The Faction Leaders



War divides families, separates friends, draw's extra lines on the maps and hardens boarders. War is always a result of misunderstanding and ignorance.

I originally wanted to draw just the uniforms since my time long ago of working in a military museum I have grown fond of military attire. But when I sketched this out I developed a deeper feeling from it. I feel that Celestia and Luna would both actually never want a war, but if it happened there would have had to be a big misunderstanding involved. The two are after all, Sisters and no matter what differences they have, they still love each other as family.

The Uniforms.

Solar Empire and Her Majesty, Empress Celestia - Since it's quoted as being the "Empire" I thought that Celestia's uniform should look more Royal and that who would stand behind and motivate the troops. A fancy and regal outfit with little practicality but awe inspiring never the less. A figure all people not just soldiers could get behind resulting in an unquestioning loyalty to her such of that of Japan when it was lead by an Emperor.

New Lunar Republic, and High Chancellor Luna
- For The New Lunar Republic, I see it as a modern Roman Republic. In peace time Luna's role most likely be providing order with a senate and with war giving temporary control of everything. However this also puts her in position to fight beside the troops and thus she needs a more Military and piratical officer's uniform. This could motivate and empower her troops more however this might result in loss of touch with the civilians

No matter what side you fall under, peace should be the first goal. For Equestria is a unity in all and built on friendships.


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My Little Pony is (c) to :iconhasbroplz:

Artwork is (C) to myself, NiegelvonWolf. If you wish to us this for a video, or song, go ahead just send me a link when you do please. ;3
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© 2014 - 2024 NiegelvonWolf
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FoxtrotAK47's avatar

After years of bitter fighting, the two sides realized that the war between them isn't worth it, they are sisters seperated by ego. And so, they decided to end the stalemate with peaceful approach, both sisters signed a pact between them and cease all fighting, uniting both nations as allies