The Scarlet PimpernelnicoleP on DeviantArt

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The Scarlet Pimpernel



They seek him here, they seek him there …

In 1904 the first 'alter ego' hero came into the public gaze. He was the Scarlet Pimpernel, created by Baroness Emma Orczy for a novel written in five weeks. Hiding behind an antithetical identity, which was to provide inspiration later for several comic book characters, he made his way through revolution-torn France saving innocent aristocrats from the vengeance of Madame Guillotine.
At first, publishers refused Orczy's book and it was not until after she rewrote it as a successful stage play that her manuscript was eagerly accepted. The public became so caught up in Pimpernel fervour that the author was able to live comfortably on the proceeds of this book alone and satisfied demand by producing fifteen sequels. The Scarlet Pimpernel has since graced silver and small screen, and even Broadway.

This drawing was inspired by descriptions of the principal players in the first and, in my opinion, best of the novels.
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gypsy-night's avatar
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere!
Is he in heaven, or is he in hell, that damned elusive Pimpernel?

An excellent book.