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The Eyes Of God



Hey folks!

It was another busy week last week, but not without some interesting warm-ups to upload here for the Gallery to be up to date :nod:

As I've often mentioned, I like to play different movies/TV series/music while I work in my studio as it helps get the creativity flowing. Last week, I turned again to that gem of a film that is "Blade Runner 2049" for some inspiration and boy, did I find it :D There's a lot to be said about studying cinematography and the way a director will choose his angles and compositions, which is why I took some still frames and tried to give them my own spin to play with lighting and effects. 

The first choice to depict was Jared Leto's amazing Niander Wallace character which, as in the previous film with Tyrell, has a few appearances but very poignant at that. His eyes are particularly haunting which I believe must've been the intention all along and what I tried to replicate here ;)

As usual, I thank you for your constant support and encouragement and will see you very soon!

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548x800px 220.43 KB
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Libra1010's avatar
 There are some who can't stand Jared Leto villains, but his wrongdoers have - to date - given me the creeps in exactly the right way (both young Wallace AND The Joker*).

 *Mr Leto may have gone completely over the top as far as The Method goes, but he nails the Madness spot-on so far as I can see.