ALIENS - Sgt. AponeNicolasRGiacondino on DeviantArt

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ALIENS - Sgt. Apone



Hey folks!

'Twas yet another hectic day at the drawing board, hence this late update. That said, I hope you will find this warm-up in the ALIENS series as entertaining as the previous ones :nod:

As I work my way through picking some of the films' great performances and famous lines, it's hard to settle on just a few or even to choose from so many memorable characters. So I'm going with those that, to me, were ingrained in my memory when I first watched the movie. And Al Matthews's Sgt. Apone was certainly one of 'em.
Apparently, Matthews attributed his great performance as Apone to his own military training, which I wholeheartedly agree with. It is his acting as the classic military leader and drill sergeant that makes the whole colonial marines unit believable as a force that's been "trained to deal with these kind of situations". His chants, constant nagging of the troops and adherence to the Corps' creed ground the key aspect of the film, differentiating it from the first. Where originally you had the "truck drivers in space" dealing with the unknown as best they could, in the sequel you feel in charge (despite Ripley's misgivings). The Marines have massive loads of firepower and they seem to relish on the fact that they'll get to squash a lot of bugs on alien soil, saving the dumbass colonists from yet another misstep. It is their confidence, and particularly Apone's assertive and crude leadership that makes their failing to even engage the enemy at some sort of advantage in their first encounter all the more dismaying. You go in as a cocky, self-assured killing machine into the hive only to leave cowering and in shock as perfectly acted by Bill Paxton's Hudson.

But enough of my ranting; I hope you enjoy the art and as usual, I look forward to hearing your reactions. You've all made my day remembering bits and pieces of this classic and engaging with these tributes so much so keep it up :D

Thanks as usual and see you tomorow!

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556x800px 229.92 KB
© 2018 - 2025 NicolasRGiacondino
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M5Transmissions's avatar
I have noticed all of your ALIEN drawings follow a size format.
It would be interesting to see them as postcards or gifts.