To be or not toNicolasFable on DeviantArt

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To be or not to



This one continuous line drawing has been created to illustrate the theater section of a website (

For all the illustrations made for this website I wanted to realize something poetical and minimalist.
It was the first time I used a digital drawing software, so I wanted to keep it simple Sweating a little...  (this is where the minimalist style choice come from Wink/Razz ).

But, here, the desire to make the whole drawing in one line has become a real challenge. I had to try it four or five times before I figured out a way to draw both masks in one line.
The sad eyes drawing has also been a serious challenge for me, but it pushed me to make progress.

It has been realized with Inkscape on July 8, 2021.
Image size
895x880px 122.12 KB
© 2021 - 2024 NicolasFable
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