Secret Stars Art Exchange COMPLETE!

27 min read

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nickyflamingo's avatar

:new: April 26th: Hey everyone! First, thanks to everyone who participated, we had such an awesome collection of star-studded gifts completed and they look amazing! :heart: All gifts are in and no replacements were needed!
Thank you again to all who joined the exchange and made it another wonderful success. I always love hosting these because you make it fabulous! <3


Now that our last Exchange is wrapped up, I'm jumping into another one. The theme this time is Stars and Space. From spacey backgrounds, star embellishments, planets, aliens, or other out of this world elements, your assignment will to take one of your person's characters and make an artwork that includes outer space or stars in some way!

-Most OCs accepted in this one. Original Characters, Fan Characters, Senshi, Closed Species all are welcome! HOWEVER, humanoid only! No ferals or fully anthro (animal muzzles/beaks, ect)! Your character does NOT have to be space themed at all as your secret artist will take care of adding the space stuff in some manner, but it could be fun.
-This is a medium length exchange, running approximately one and a half months. Make sure you have time to complete artwork in time before doing joining :heart:
- Your art must be at least a bust (head, shoulders, and chest).

. Pastel Stars - Divider . by SugareeSweets . Pastel Stars - Divider . by SugareeSweets . Pastel Stars - Divider . by SugareeSweets

 SIGN UPS:  March 4th - March 7th
 DEADLINE FOR POSTING: Monday April 23rd
**special note** Nicky may be slow to respond because she is ill but she will respond periodically, you're not being ignored!

 * THE BIG ONE: If you sign up, you are committing to finishing your part on time. Everyone deserves a lovely gift, so make sure you're only signing up if you can finish yours <3 Consider blocking out time early for it if you're a chronic procrastinator. If you did not complete yours from the prior Exchange ones you may not sign up this time.
 * You must be a watcher of mine, as all updates will be here on my journal; you'd miss them otherwise!
 * To prove you read all this above and below and agree to everything, tell me your favorite planet, star, or other outer space object.

 *  Fill out this form please:
Characters my Secret Artist may choose from (two to five characters):
Any special considerations:
Proof I read all the rules and info:
Do I want to be a replacement Secret Artist if needed? (yes or no):

*  If there is someone you would prefer not to draw for or receive from that you see signed up, please note me BEFORE March 8th  and I will accommodate your request. This is kept entirely confidential. Please send me this even if you have before because I don't have my old list handy/don't know if there may be changes.
* This is a Secret Exchange, so if you have any questions about your assignment, please note me and I will get an answer on your behalf. Also, don't spoil the surprise with livestreams or sharing WIPs, you never know who is watching!
* I do try to mix everyone up so people get new partners each time but keep in mind I do need to accommodate special requests for when folks just don't mesh (it happens!) and also if you've been in several exchanges I run and moderate, you may get repeats. Please always be kind to your artist, we're all doing our best <3
* All art must be your own. No tracing, bases, or dollmakers please. Pixel art is allowed, however bases MUST be your own, and credit must be given for any resources you use that are not yours.
* Art must be fully lined and colored and must be at least a bust (head, shoulders, and chest).
* You may post your secret assignment as soon as you are finished! Final deadline for posting is April 23rd.
* If for whatever reason you cannot complete your assignment, please note me IMMEDIATELY so that I may find a replacement.
* When you are done, please comment with yours in the comments below so I don't miss it! Thank you!
And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!

 Tini Planet   = finished their gift
 pastel galaxy!   =received their gift

:iconnickyflamingo: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconunisamas-art: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconcherryempress: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconcrystalomic: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconbluejaybae: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:icondiluculi: Tini Planetpastel galaxy! 
:iconmichiyaslana: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconsnowshi: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconsihi-crescent: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconanniekitty14:  Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconnovahiker: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconsuparogue: Tini Planet pastel galaxy! 
:iconstellarknight3: Tini Planetpastel galaxy! 
:icontenshineera: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconjkdreamer: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconwandering-kotka:  Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconcrimsoncommande:  Tini Planet pastel galaxy!
:iconjyinxe:  Tini Planet pastel galaxy!
:icondayaja: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconartbygemini: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconcvrryspice: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconsariusa: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconsketching-panda-ren: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconnekochanthekitty: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconoriginalsoundtrack: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconre-pyper: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconblack-angel-of-mercy: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconpandanalove: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:icondavidriki: Tini Planet pastel galaxy!
:iconcrystalberri: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconerii-chii: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconbriarhk: Tini PlanetTini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconborntoshift:  Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconmysticsybil:  Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconreekarose: Tini Planetpastel galaxy! 
:iconrandomstorytale: Tini Planetpastel galaxy!
:iconurocyon-fox: Tini Planetpastel galaxy! 
:iconsilverpdragon: Tini Planetpastel galaxy! 
:iconskyjynx: Tini Planetpastel galaxy! 

Completed Gifts:

Secret Stars Art Exchange: Astro Nova by Diluculi for :iconbluejaybae: by :icondiluculi:
for :iconjyinxe: by :iconnovahiker:
Secret stars exchange: I am the moon by originalsoundtrack for :iconreekarose: by :iconoriginalsoundtrack:
Dreamer by TenshiNeera for :iconpandanalove: by :icontenshineera:
<da:thumb id="735887120"/> for :icondavidriki: by :iconartbygemini:
SSAE: Cosmia Nova by Erii-chii for :iconcrystalberri: by :iconerii-chii:
SS Alpha Corvus by MysticSybil for :iconsariusa: by :iconmysticsybil:
Exchange- Alpha Vivi Tucana by Unisamas-Art for :iconjkdreamer: by :iconunisamas-art:
<da:thumb id="736954655"/> for :iconcrystalomic: by :iconsariusa:
Secret Stars Art Exchange by RandomStorytale for :iconurocyon-fox: by :iconrandomstorytale:
<da:thumb id="737156716"/> for :iconbriarhk: by :iconurocyon-fox:
Secret Star Exchange: Sihi-chan by PandanaLove for :iconsihi-crescent: by :iconpandanalove:
Secret Stars Exchange: CherryEmpress by dayaja for :iconcherryempress: by :icondayaja:
Reaching for the Stars by BriarHK for :iconsuparogue: by :iconbriarhk:
Secret Stars Art Exchange: Apollo by ReekaRose for :iconanniekitty14: by :iconreekarose:
Bubblegum Star by Sketching-Panda-Ren for :iconnovahiker: bu :iconsketching-panda-ren:
[Trade] Space, Man! by wandering-kotka for :iconcrimsoncommande: by :iconwandering-kotka:
Secret Stars Art Exchange - Space Slide by suparogue for :iconborntoshift: by :iconsuparogue:
Starry Exchange Gem by stellarknight3 for :iconsketching-panda-ren: by :iconstellarknight3:

Mature Content

Secret Stars Exchange Eimear and the Falling Stars by nickyflamingo
for :iconmichiyaslana: by :iconnickyflamingo:
Secret Stars Exchange~ by NekoChanTheKitty for :iconsilverpdragon: by :iconnekochanthekitty:
for :iconunisamas-art: by :iconcrystalomic:
(T) Galaxy Senshi by Anniekitty14 for :iconsnowshi: by :iconanniekitty14:
Secret Stars Exchange: Sailor Coma Berenices by Jyinxe for :iconwandering-kotka: by :iconjyinxe:
Star Exchange for RandomStorytale by Black-Angel-of-Mercy for :iconrandomstorytale: by :iconblack-angel-of-mercy:
Exchange - Kazuo by BornToShift for :iconerii-chii: by :iconborntoshift:
Secret stars exchange: Priss by BluejayBae for :iconartbygemini: by :iconbluejaybae:
SS MysticSybil by sihi-crescent for :iconmysticsybil: by :iconsihi-crescent:
secret stars - ariel by cvrryspice for :iconskyjynx: by :iconcvrryspice:
for :iconstellarknight3: by :iconskyjynx:
Star Exchange - Diluculi by JKDreamer for :icondiluculi: by :iconjkdreamer:
Secret Exchange: Nyx by MichiYaslana for :iconcvrryspice: by :iconmichiyaslana:
Star Exchange: Dayaja by CrimsonCommande for :icondayaja: by :iconcrimsoncommande:
Secret Stars Exchange by CherryEmpress for :iconblack-angel-of-mercy: by :iconcherryempress:
Secret Stars Exchange by Snowshi for :iconnickyflamingo: by :iconsnowshi:
<da:thumb id="741861785"/> for :iconoriginalsoundtrack: by :iconre-pyper:
Secret Stars Exchange: Sailor Telescopium by SilverPDragon for :iconre-pyper: by :iconsilverpdragon:
Erisa by DavidRiki for :iconnekochanthekitty: by :icondavidriki:
Secret Exchange | tenshineera by CrystalBerri for :icontenshineera: by :iconcrystalberri:

Heart Border [Orange] by RevPixy
♥ template by miontre ♥ skin designed by MamaLantiis

© 2018 - 2025 nickyflamingo
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CrystalBerri's avatar
Super late to upload but it's finally up!~ <3
Secret Exchange | tenshineera by CrystalQuill