Lara and NOVAnickyflamingo on DeviantArt

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Lara and NOVA



So I heard you like redhead androids? Then have two! Dressed in each other's outfits! Lara is on the left, looking fashionable in NOVA's flight suit, and NOVA's on the right, feeling a bit exposed in Lara's racey regular clothes. Also, she is feeling a bit put out that Lara looks so good in her outfit!

Lara is the sexy creation of :iconleviadragon99: I hope I'm not unwanted in playing with her.

NOVA is mine.

Want more Lara?
Bio: Visit the gallery, there's a bunch of comissioned pics of her and other characters! [link]

or more NOVA?
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944x1200px 1.02 MB
© 2010 - 2025 nickyflamingo
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WanderingKotka's avatar
Grawr! It is redhead-overload around here and I love it!

NOVA's expression is absolutely adorable, she looks so out of her element. I want to give her a hug (and a bathrobe, hehe.)