Crystal Sailor Asteroid 2nickyflamingo on DeviantArt

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Crystal Sailor Asteroid 2



:bulletblack: Renge (no last name YET)
:bulletblack: Parents: Sailor Sun and Sailor Asteroid
:bulletblack: Personality and other info: The second eldest of the Crystal Sailor Team, she is always looking out for the welfare of the other girls. Despite her tough looks, she's a very sweet person. She can be a bit soft spoken when not singing or fighting, and sometimes likes being a bit of a loner. She has some dark moods, but usually feels better after playing bass or welding something. (or tearing apart enemies with sound waves). Like her dad, she likes industrial, alternative, and "gothy" stuff. She especially loves boots that make her even taller than her 5'8 she starts at. She gets her artistic side from her mom, who indulged her creativity from an early age. She can often be found in the company of the twins.
:bulletblack: Favorite colors: Black, gray, and silver. Favorite food: Anything grilled, berries, french fries, and frou-frou drinks. Hobbies: Making music, making noise, metal casting, sculpting, and painting.

Renge is mine, Sailor moon is not.

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© 2012 - 2025 nickyflamingo
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