Commission- BiondivisicleNickOnPlanetRipple on DeviantArt

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Commission- Biondivisicle



Only one week left to fund Indivisible. Expect the rate of donations to spike up sky high. If you want to contribute, yourself, donate here.…

Another one for :iconkzn02: who paid a pretty penny to see Ajna fighting alongside the Matoran, wearing a mask that references Takua. They are fighting a Muaka done up in Robo-Fortune's colors. The scenery is a mish-mash of elements from Mata Nui and the world of Indivisible. I tried to make it feel like the battles near the end of MNOG shown from the lowered camera angle of Indivisible's fighting system.

As for the title... yeah, I dunno.

That's it for tonight. Now I've gotta design some animals for a guy.

Commissions are always open.
Bust- $5
Full body shot- $10
+$10 for each additional character
+$10 for a background
Comic book cover/page- $30

$20 Commission- Liatris for TheLordTaxus by NickinAmerica Commission- Luna n' Mike- For Daren-Blackfang by NickinAmerica $20 Commission- Liatris for TheLordTaxus (2) clean by NickinAmerica $60 Commish- Knights of the New Century, Angloman by NickinAmerica
Commission for Brett- Metroid Destiny by NickinAmericaRoxie- commission for SCIFIJACKRABBIT by NickinAmericaCommission- Naga Rider vs Pohatu by NickinAmerica Commission for PRS3245- MEEELLION by NickinAmerica Commission- Gali vs Thorani by NickinAmerica

Feedback is appreciated.
Image size
3413x2552px 4.3 MB
© 2015 - 2025 NickOnPlanetRipple
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