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LR - Abandoned fuel truck



The darnedest things are kicking around Loch Raven's back trails. Every time you come across some random piece of equipment you believe that it just has to be the most out of place feature that you'll ever find, but then you end up stumbling across an abandoned Southern States fuel truck and it upsets your mental apple cart.

(Actually, at this point finding an actual apple cart wouldn't surprise me.)

This truck is on a seemingly-private trail, distinguished from the non-private trails by a lonely "no trespassing" sign on an adjacent tree. It smells heavily of oil and the interior is littered with beer cans likely discarded by local youths, so I'm a bit surprised that some reckless drunkard hasn't accidentally or purposefully set fire to it yet.
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westcliffe1's avatar
What a great old truck. I tell you, seeing something like this a great reminder on how much better times was back then when this beauty ruled the roads.