PoP: Guardian's Pathnicholaskole on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nicholaskole/art/PoP-Guardian-s-Path-145396650nicholaskole

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PoP: Guardian's Path



I made a new art!

Hey all! It's been slow on my end...you know...that job thing. But the job's been great and I've even shoehorned in a little freelance time :D

So this is the fruit of my labor: the cover-to-be of a children's book for Disney Publishing (which will be my first-ever-really-published-work-of-any-significance) based on the upcoming Prince of Persia movie. It's a choose your own adventure book staring Princess Tamina and it will be published on April 13th! Hooray!

If you are so inclined, it can be pre-ordered here: [link]

If you noticed a similarity to my Moby Dick cover from a little while ago, that's because they specifically asked that it be similar. But with Henna, and Hands, and Girls and Stuff. :)

Hope you guys like it, and thanks for watching!

More jabber on my blog:

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© 2009 - 2025 nicholaskole
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The-Jasmine-Nation's avatar
And I thought the Candlemaker's arms were very detailed. XD

I also wanna publish my works, too. I just don't feel ready because my works aren't at the level I want them to be at yet.