Piper's Pet PREVIEWnicholaskole on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nicholaskole/art/Piper-s-Pet-PREVIEW-124800605nicholaskole

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Piper's Pet PREVIEW



Hey Guys!

This is just a preview image of my newest 2-page comic that has just gone live at Myspace, Dark Horse Presents!


Please visit the above link and come back to comment and tell me what you think! I've been sitting on this for a while: this is my first ever published comic work!

I got the job while showing my portfolio around at the NYComicCon. It's been a great expereince, and I'm really glad to close the school-year on a high note with Piper! :)

So, please go and check it out. There's no real commenting space there, so feel free to use this post to tell me what you think! If you like it, write Dark Horse and tell them to hire me more :)

If you really like it, and want to support me and the awesome artists at Dark Horse, then wait for the anthology TPB of all the MDHP work to get released, and snag a copy! I'll make an announcement around these parts when that happens.



It's now ONLINE. The color is WEIRD. But it's ONLINE.
Dark Horse had some server issues, but the comic is now actually really for sure online now. Yay!
Image size
1000x472px 368.48 KB
© 2009 - 2025 nicholaskole
anonymous's avatar
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TellerofTales's avatar
It's adorable! I love your style so much. I can't get enough of it!