Martin the Warriornicholaskole on DeviantArt

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Martin the Warrior



"Pick a book you love, do three illustrations".
So, naturally, I delved into my bookshelves and plucked my well-worn copy of "Martin the Warrior: A Tale of Redwall" from it's repose. I LOVE Redwall. I have a particular passion for Martin the Warrior...since it was the first Redwall book (or high adventure/fantasy book) I ever picked up, and it's still the best in my opinion. I've always wanted to do something with go back and pay homage to my memory with a set of illustrations...or, you involved in designing the movie when someone gets wise. *cough*
Anyways, they're finally DONE! (for now)
From sketches to finishes, I've been working on these for about a month all told. This is the latest for my narrative Illustration course.
I had to illustrate three moments, so for those not in the know or those up for some reminiscing, here's some brief background:

1. "Martin Defiant": Martin defies Hisk in the courtyard of an unfinished Marshank, stopping him from whipping old Barkjon senseless for being unable to carry his load. (After which they hang Martin from two posts at the top of the wall in the pouring rain to be eaten by gulls, but I could only pick three :/)

2. "The Slaves Escape": Feldoh and the others lead the slaves out of the compound under cover of darkness, while Ballaw and the Rambling Roseship Players distract Badrang and Cap'n Clogg with an elaborate magic show and stage performance.

3. "Laterose of Noonvale": This scene had such an impact on me as a child. Martin leading his ragtag army against Badrang's horde, storming Marshank. In the middle of it all, Rose finds herself between Badrang and the way out and he hurls her against the wall, breaking her neck. In a rage, Martin kills Badrang and reclaims his father's sword, then turns to find that Rose is dead.
Probably the first time I wept over a book. Kind of silly in retrospect I guess, but still a big deal. But that passage in the book is still...y'know...heartbreakingly beautiful.

The tricky thing about these was that I had such an intense vision for what the whole thing looked like. I think/hope I did right by that. Also: this was my first foray into watercolor (with digital assist), so that was frustrating, but ultimately fun. At any rate, I hope y'all like them...I had fun.
I'll shut up now. :)

Characters etc are not mine. They're Brian's.
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© 2007 - 2025 nicholaskole
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Ahzeya's avatar

My sisters are still angry with me over the ending of "Martin the Warrior." They watched the animated show with me when we were kids. I knew what was coming; they didn't. And yeah, if you read "Mossflower" before this book, you knew Martin and Rose weren't together, but Rose's death is still a gutpunch and I still feel for Martin.

Your illiustrations look like they belong on a stained glass window. Love them.