Jellybots: Lizzienicholaskole on DeviantArt

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nicholaskole's avatar

Jellybots: Lizzie



This is Lizzie :D
She's based off my friend, Lizzie (who, after I did one based on Jen, asked for her own :p) And I realize this has effectively opened the floodgates for anyone who wants a portrait (which wasn't my intention) but I'm trying not to design characters I don't actually believe in.

So here she the current scheme of things she may even be the protagonist...a young girl who doesn't quite know who to be. She's kind of a lot of crazy energy all pent-up in a very self-conscious shell. (hence the little doodles: a) has obnoxious laugh, b) is embarrassed) The kind of girl who would decorate her suit with smiling stars, but get a little shy if you brought it up. Also, she likes llamas (not pictured).


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1000x1213px 452.46 KB
© 2011 - 2025 nicholaskole
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lp-cooldude's avatar
whats a jelly bot?