Jellybots: Jennicholaskole on DeviantArt

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nicholaskole's avatar

Jellybots: Jen



Another one!

I'm just jamming on this topic and seeing what happens as it develops (while simultaneously thinking about plot development in it's earliest stages) Ideas occur I'm trying to get them down on paper. This one, however, has been due for a while:

This is for my friend Jen Hom :iconhomentashen:, who wanted her very own Jellybot :)
So it's not a portrait per-se, but I tried to get the gist of her in 'bot form. Of course I picked a color palette she probably wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole :p (teal was already taken, Jen, sowwy!) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! :p

Anyways, I'm having a ton of fun on these...I mean...I was up till 3am last night making sure this got done. Hope y'all are enjoying them too!

I've got a couple more character ideas in the queue before I have to figure out what next. Hopefully those will materialize soon!

Love for the Blog: [link]
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© 2011 - 2025 nicholaskole
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soryaseroth's avatar
This looks so cool. I can't believe I forgot to fave this though! lol, fixed that now