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More Jellybots development from the #JellyJam!

See, the Jelly doesn't seem to respond to adults.

They make Powells use the oldest remote proxy to teach his classes inside The Soup, even though he feels it's "completely ridiculous" and "PROFOUNDLY UNDIGNIFIED". The kids *do* tend to spruce up the clunkiest machines (professor Acres doesn't seem to do anything to stop them)- that, and the small element of chaos required for proper spelunking makes it glitch and sing and go wandering off. And when that happens, well. Sometimes the old drones come back a little...funny. 

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SapphireGamgee's avatar
Dang! I can't have a jelly of my very own? Being a grown-up stinks *dives, weeping, into a carton of mint-chip ice cream*