AnD - Pito and Twinsnicholaskole on DeviantArt

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AnD - Pito and Twins



Hello Everyone!
I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but that's because summer is OVER and my senior year at RISD is just beginning! First off: A few character from Alfonse & Domingo, designed to respond to the first assignment for Character Creation. Meet Pito, Zee'doh and Jin! While I don't want to give away too much of the story...these characters belong to a troupe of traveling performers in the world of A&D. Pito lifts heavy things, lights the stage-lights, and reaches for things on the shelf that are too high up for others to grasp. He is gregarious, mute, enormous, and loyal to a fault...he is especially beloved by the troupe's pair of acrobatic twins: Zee'doh and Jin, who are often seen riding around on Pito's shoulders.
Anyways, it was a blast to do...and it's good to be back in the saddle here! (no pun intended...really.) I hope you enjoy this inaugural piece for the 2008-2009 academic year! Hurrah!
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800x1084px 647.58 KB
© 2008 - 2025 nicholaskole
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CartoonBen's avatar
:) (Smile) Awesome choice of palette. The light and depth on the colors looks awesome too.