A Midsummer Night's Disneynicholaskole on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nicholaskole/art/A-Midsummer-Night-s-Disney-120252912nicholaskole

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A Midsummer Night's Disney




New week, new piece for John. This week was...well...it has text, so y'all get it already. It was good fun!
I was jazzed about the idea (ripping off Magritte), and I'm still pleased (meh) with how it came out...but it's a little...well...Pocahontas, to be honest. Colors I love, but maybe not the best for the bard? Your call.

Still, I'm happy it's done...I'll probably make some adjustments when I have some time to be making adjustments, which is to say...maybe, like, after I graduate or something (which is SOON).

Hope y'all like it. Much more talking and song recommending and lineart (which looks better) on my blog:

It's Spring-time! Yeah!
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750x1199px 675.83 KB
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