First Polymer Clay CreationsNiccyNightmare on DeviantArt

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NiccyNightmare's avatar

First Polymer Clay Creations



Yeah, they aren't the best but it was my first try.
Sorry the pictures came out so horribly but my camera just does not want to take decent pictures of these things.

Cupcake made from THIS tutorial.

Octopus made from THIS tutorial.
Image size
515x479px 22.4 KB
© 2008 - 2025 NiccyNightmare
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sofacetious's avatar
I JUST now gave polymer clay a try. Did you have any problems with your wire coming out and did you use glue? I didnt use glue and mine came out of one of my cupcakes..but I didnt ensure that it was tight.

Yours are cute ^_^