NguyenHuuHongVan's avatar


Llama4llama (ノ・&#6
69 Deviations

Because my storage is running out, I would do some clean up so some new brush set could be upload.

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My friend make little test so I follow suit

So I make a drawing and add info by Adobe PTS Cs6 and by window property, then upload to some site and redownload and check the details section :
Original by NguyenHuuHongVan Original 3 by NguyenHuuHongVan




download button                                                                        

download 3 DA (download) by NguyenHuuHongVan               download 3 DA (stash) by NguyenHuuHongVan

regular save image                                                                                 (moved to) srapbook

download 4 DA (saved) by NguyenHuuHongVan               download 4 DA (scrapbook) by NguyenHuuHongVan

All info was protected, I'm pround of you dA APPLAUSE CLAP


I love you, pixiv Bunny Emoji-10 (Loved) [V1]
Download 2 Pixiv by NguyenHuuHongVan


as expected  Lance
download 7 Behance by NguyenHuuHongVan

Twitter :( (Sad)  and Drawcrowd :
download 6 Drawcrowd by NguyenHuuHongVan download 8 Twitter by NguyenHuuHongVan

Facebook and Tumblr:
Download 1 by NguyenHuuHongVan download 5 Tumblr by NguyenHuuHongVan

Fb retain my name and copyright (at least) but why, Tumblr? Why

In short, I know Tumblr and Twitter is a good site for my type of content , but I would stick around with dA, pixiv and Fb for obvious reason

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WIP, hopefully could finish in this week:

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My llama have upgraded to Fancy llama ^^.  Thank you guys so much.

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Copyright info test in various sites by NguyenHuuHongVan, journal