Neyjour on DeviantArt

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Neyjour's avatar

Demon Sigil Eggs - [closed]



MyFreeCopyright Icon by Neyjour
Demon Sigil Eggs © Christina Roberts (Neyjour) 2013

These are eggs for you to hatch out yourself.

If/when you do hatch them out, please send me a link so I can see!
I'll also add the link here so others can see your hatched character. :)


Price: 10 :points:
Adoption Status: Closed

:bulletblue: To purchase, please send me a deviantART Note with "Adoption" in the subject title.
:bulletblue: Do NOT just send points without contacting me first!
:bulletblue: I'll verify that you're the first to Note me (or not, if someone else Noted me before you).
:bulletblue: You can then send your points and give me your email addy.
:bulletblue: You will then receive a zip file (via email ONLY) that contains the following:

:bulletblack: The egg (without my watermark) on a blank transparent background in .png format.
:bulletblack: A ReadMe.txt file with my contact info, rules, credits, etc.

:bulletred: For personal non-commercial use only.
:bulletred: No reselling (for either points or real currency).
:bulletred: No giving away (free adoptions, trades, sharing/redistribution, etc.).
:bulletred: May be used/displayed in and out of deviantART.
:bulletred: You must credit me wherever and however you use/display it.
:bulletred: Changes and additions are permitted.

1. Closed - adopted by: PaperMutt
2. Closed - adopted by: ChibiShay
3. Closed - adopted by: ChibiShay
4. Closed - adopted by: Gr-yFire
5. Closed - adopted by: BVS-Nordannerz / hatched: Akuhei Akiyama


Critter Egg by Traveler - RuntimeDNA
icy 2 by LucieG-Stock - deviantART
Asphalt with lava flow by Bigburgy - deviantART
Pavement Cracks II by Neriah-stock - deviantART
Lava Texture by goodiebagstock - deviantART
Grungemaps by CGTextures - CGTextures
Tattoos by pur0nrg - Renderosity
Parchment I by ElissaKarminakria - deviantART
SoilCracked texture by CGTextures - CGTextures

:iconlucieg-stock: :iconbigburgy: :iconneriah-stock: :icongoodiebagstock: :iconelissakarminakria:

~Poser 7
~Paint Shop Pro 8
Image size
1024x768px 988.24 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Neyjour
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duzetdaram's avatar
just beautiful.  I love the colors