Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The War DoctorNewRandombell on DeviantArt

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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The War Doctor



For the 50th Anniversary of DOCTOR WHO, I originally decided to make a set of posters for the 3 most recent Doctors, however with such an overwhelmingly positive response on the posters (at least on Tumblr), I decided to go back and make posters for all 8 of the previous Doctors and eventually 12 and the War Doctor. Each poster features the Doctor's known outfit, their "catchphrase" and one of their known villains from the season.

This poster is for the War Doctor himself.  Since now that he's canon (he wasn't at the time of my starting of these posters), I realized I HAD to make one for him.  The twist of this poster, is he is both himself AND his own enemy.  If you've seen the anniversary special, you'd understand why.

UPDATE 1/21/14: Resized the War Doctor a bit as he was far too big in comparison to the others in the series.
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3240x4800px 450.64 KB
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