new-horizon-stock's avatar


randomkiwibirds's stock!
380 Watchers

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

UK Stock 2186 by new-horizon-stock, visual art

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (266)
My Bio

 Currently living in Denial, in a completely decked out cave. Where I have the internets and everything else I could ever possibly need. Be careful of my pet Spolier Beasts and other Fictional Creatures which guard my lair. All unauthorized trespassers will be devoured.

I do not have a heart and I walk alone, because in the end the only person you can rely on is yourself.

My Main account: randomkiwibirds

Tools of the Trade
Nikon Coolpix S4000 and Photoshop CS6

Stock Rules

0 min read
Normal Stock C R E D I T I N G :pointr: deviantART Use: If posted/used on dA in any shape or form: Please link back to this account somehow. I don't particularly care how you do it, it just needs to be done. :pointr: Offsite Use: If posted/used off dA in any shape or form: Please put credits on image.  :pointr:  Commercial Use: If posted/used in pieces you are selling or planning to sell: Please once again put credit on image. :pointr: Pre-Cut Use:   People who precut stock images: Please have people credit myself & provide a link to original image. :pointr: Premade Stock: People who create stock images using elements from othe...
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Just a heads up that starting tomorrow I'm planning on uploading a "shit-ton" of stock. It will be spread out over a period of days/weeks - so it shouldn't flood your inboxes too badly! (hopefully!)  Mainly will be photos from Natural Bridge (Mid-May...
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Profile Comments 927

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Hello, I made use from Your stock here;
awesome! looks amazing :heart:
Thanks for comment.
:hug: Hey, have a wonderful birthday! :rose: :party:
Happy birthday Enjoy Have your cake and eat it too   :funnydance: :happy birthday:   :happy birthday: