Glitter Bomb - Entry #1Nestly on DeviantArt

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Glitter Bomb - Entry #1



:star::iconpillowing-pile: :star:

This is an entry for a DTA Pillowing!
It's yellow and blue and has stars. What can I say? I'm weak. :scared: 

In my portrayal she's a silly little girl named "Goom". After pondering names like "Glitter", "Sparkle", "Glint" and so on, I thought of my other Pillowing, who's named after a Koopa. (Koop for short) And decided to name this stardust pup after a Goomba, due to how short and pudgy she is. ;3

Goom's favorite thing to do is find the softest grass in the forest and roll around in it. Doing so leaves what we like to call a "glitter bomb". If you see golden sparkles in the middle of the forest it's not difficult to assume she's been there. She especially loves to rub her nose on those she likes, leaving her glitter mark all over them. That, or she'll just roll on you too. (Whether you want to look like a pixie or not, lol)
Also, golden glitter tongue. Need I say more?

I decided to focus on my strengths for this entry-- which is my linework. I love inking the most, so I lines the background like that as well. I think it turned out well!
I also tried my best at unifying the character and the foreground/background. This is always challanging for me. I also wanted to make her anatomy look as if she were stuffed too, (Instead of dog anatomy or something) Hopefully I pulled that look off!

Have really been wanting another Pillowing since the group has been very active and fun lately, so I hope to win this gal! If not, it certainly was great practice and fun!
More entries to come. She's a blast to draw!

True Color Version
Stars by IngloriousBunny
Other Entries:
Sparkle Spunk - Entry #2 by Nestly The Artist - Entry #3 by Nestly

Stars by IngloriousBunny
DTA Pillowing: Star Dust (WINNER PICKED!) by CloverCoin

25/80 Pillowing-Pile: Clover Coins by CloverCoin
Image size
1000x800px 898.78 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Nestly
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Seyumei's avatar
Aw man this is really pretty and cute! :D And I really see a lot of improvement here too! Specially the coloring and blending the character into the bg C: Hope you win her! xD