7 min read

Deviation Actions

nerdyself99's avatar
Tagged by :iconsirrahmouse:

1) You must post the rules.
2) Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4) You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5) Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6) No tag backs.
7) No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 10 people.

So...5 facts about me
1) I am pansexual. I'm also bordering on asexual in the whole sexual attraction thing

2) My favorite characters are the ones that are so abused and broken down but no one knows because they smile and pretend to be dumb so that others don't see it.

3) I have become very good at that game of snakes that youtube gives you to play when your game is loading. I've one gotten 8 of the dots, then my video started and i died.

4) I hate geese. With a passion.

5) I have a ginger kink. :iconkidflashplz: :iconredarrowplz:  And a thing for people with red eyes. :iconkydwykkydplz: :iconjackspicerplz: But not at the same time.

Now for the questions:
1) What is your favorite fandom? Describe your favorite aspects of it, pretty please~
~Currently... Young Justice. It is darker than most comic book cartoon shows, brings in a lot of the comic book aspects, and has a lot of great characters. The plot actually has things that you have to pay attention to and they bring in some little comment from earlier in the season and it turns out that was a key plot point that doesn't just stick out.

2) What's your favorite color and why? Any specific memories behind it?
~Its a tie between Black and Green. Black goes with anything and can fit any situation and My mom and dad always said that I look best in green.

3) If you had only three days to live, with no chance on surviving, what would you do and how would you react?
~ I would make sure that my siblings are taken care of and spend a day with my family. Spend one day with my friends. And on the last day go to a crowd and kill as many people as I could with the rest of the time that I had left.

4) If you could create the perfect life-partner for yourself, be it male, female, or whatever, what would this person be like? What aspects of their personality and physical features would appeal to you?
~Well, Commanding, Rebellious, Willing to try anything, Knows when to behave. Gender doesn't really matter. Probably red hair in a guy and preferably albinism if a girl. mmm, albinos... ahem*clears throat* any way... Isn't with me just to have sex all the time. And has to like comic books.

5) Do you want children? If so, what would their names be and how would you raise the little devils darlings?
~Yes. I would name a girl Claire and a boy Nicholas. They would probable end up as eco-hippie children.

6) I'm going for the cliche here, but, what do you want to be when you grow up--or, if you are a grown up, is what you're doing now what you always wanted, or did you aspire for something different?
~ Honestly, I'm still not sure. Probably something to do with kids.

7) If you had the chance to become a superhero, what kind of hero would you be? What powers would you have, and would you keep your secret identity or let the world know who you were? Would you ask for money for your services?
~A hero that has very... flexible rules. I would do things that I felt were right, even if they aren't entirely legal. For powers, probably shape-shifting.  And Keep the identity secret so that when I break the law the other heroes wont bother me. I would only demand money from some people that deserve a little kick but still deserve to be saved. So, only money from ass-holes that can afford it.

8) If you could create your own country, what would you call it and what would its people be
like? What kind of culture? And what kind of government?
~Mardria. Hippie people. For culture, Asian-y and Canada-y. Monarchy

9) Are you a writer, or do you prefer to draw? Or do you not do either and just enjoy other peoples arts?
~I  can make up stories but actually putting them into word and describing the scenes is another thing. I generally just look at other things.

10) Any pairings you support? From what fandom are they? Would you go down with your ship, or do you casually ship? And, if you don't ship, why not?
~ WAY TO MANY. All of them.

11) And, finally, are you irritated that you got tagged? I know I'm not. This is fun. But, hey, you mad bro? Huh?
~I personally love these things

Well, here are my 11 questions.

1. If you could be any type of cookie, what type would you be?

2. What is your favorite book?

3. Where do you want to live when you grow up?

4. What is the most interesting(creepy) pairing you have ever seen?

5. What eye color do you prefer when looking for a date?

6. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

7. What is your spirit animal?

8. What would be your ideal pet?

9. What types of kinks do you have?

10. What would you do if you won the lottery?

11. What fandom are you right now? Any special pairings?


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