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SA | Nerium | Maker | Breim [RETIRED]





|  Astral Tracker | Roleplay Tracker |

Name - Nerium

Nicknames - None at the moment

Gender - Mare

Age - 22

Breed - Anglo-Arabian Mix

Height - 16.2 hh

Orientation - Who knows??? Not her?? lol she's bisexual as all heck

Phenotype -  Black Color 

Genotype - EE/aa

Herd - Breim

Rank - Maker

Voice Actress - Natalie Portman


Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! - Positive
Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U! - Neutral
Maroon Dot Bullet - F2U! - Negative
| Hopeful | Confident | Wild | Determined | Independent  | Loyal | Adventurous | Curious | Risk-taker | Short-tempered | Insecure |

Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! | Hopeful |
"Tomorrow will be better." "But what if it's not?" "Then you say it again tomorrow."
    Perhaps it is simply her natural personality she was born with or maybe it is something she has taught herself as she had grown up, dreaming of adventures only found in storybooks.

Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! | Confident | 
"She needed a hero so that is what she became."
    Despite her insecurities, she has almost always put up a tough front for so long that it has blended into her personality, making her a bit more braver than she thinks she actually is. This is amazing for exploring and standing up to others but sometimes, it's best to be cautious, to be scared and back down from that one fight because who knows, one day all of it might catch up to you and swallow you whole.

Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U! | Wild |
"She was a wild, slip of a girl. She burned too bright for this world."
    Nerium had never been content with staying in place too long and she would often easily brush off scoldings, only to return to doing whatever made her feel free and happy, never letting anyone really tell her what she could not do just because it was expected of her to not do so. 

Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U!  | Individualistic |
"I am mine before I am anyone else's"
     Nerium has been rather independent her whole life from the time she was a foal and it has only grown stronger as she has grown up, surrounded by the new generation. Though, despite how the new generation embraces individuality, Nerium has almost built up walls so she doesn't have to worry about others getting to close, which is not exactly the healthiest thing.

Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U! | Loyal |
"Do not expect loyalty from one whom you have been disloyal to."
    She in no way trusts easily but once that trust is earned, she is a friend until the end but sometimes it might backfire and land her in a difficult situation. What are you to do when one dear friend wants to do something you really disagree with? For Nerium, that may mean stuffing away her feelings and doing it anyways even if it may make her feel absolutely awful. 

Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U! | Adventurous |
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
    Ever since she was a foal, Nerium loved to wander and find peculiar, yet wonderful, new things. That sort of behavior always had her following about members of the new generation and would be one to race to go say hello when they returned from exploring to see what interesting things that may have returned with, whether it be feathers, small animals, or even simply stories. She had romanticized the idea of adventure and longed to explore the world outside of the caves, well, until she was old enough to at which point she happily want to explore. You must remember though that sometimes it is best to stay home, away from all of the dangers of the world, not go out and risk your life to see what type of creature a monstrous animal is.

Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U! | Curious |
"Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures."
    Nerium is one who is not afraid to ask questions or find something out of her own accord but according to some, this can be counted as nosy and rude. Though she does at least try to often not ask rather obvious or stupid questions because she does believe that if you ask a stupid question, you will receive a stupid answer.

Dot Bullet (Black) - F2U! | Risk-taker |
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go
    Nerium loves to wander and explore, where it may be making her way through dark caves or even making her way across Sirith. She is more someone who prefers to 'wing it' when it comes to planning. This can either land her some amazing rewards or it can put her in some serious danger. 

Maroon Dot Bullet - F2U! | Short-tempered |
"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
    It's not good to be quick to anger especially since nothing good will ever come from it whether it be harsh words or even tears spilling down someone's face. Ever since Nerium was little, she had always had a short temper and would often get scolded for picking fights with other foal and if she is greeted with hostility, she will often try to match with just as if not more hostility.

Maroon Dot Bullet - F2U! | Insecure |
"Her insecurities drown her; rip and tear her apart."
    Even though she may not appear insecure with her brave front, just like everyone else, she hates certain things about herself. She wishes her mane was sleek and smooth like other equines, not wavy and wild. At one point in her life, she had despised her plain-colored coat that was boring compared to the other equines of the Breim herd and once tried to messily make paint out of flower petals to color her coat only to end up with mushed up flowers and a thorough scolding from her mother as the others foals giggled and teased her.


    You wish to hear her story? So be it. 

    Nerium was born deep below the earth in the beautiful city of Nariah in the early spring when snow still dusted the earth yet blooms started to appear on trees. Her mother goes by the name of Dahlia and took on the role of an Echo. She has a sleek, dark mane paired with a charming black coat. White was splashed onto her face and she often wears pale flowers in her mane and tail. She had always spoken kindly to Nerium, loving her as much as a mother could ever love a child, maybe even more than that. When Nerium would wander about and forget to come home when she told her mother she would, Dahlia would scold her, claiming that she had scared her half to death. As for her father... who knows. He was absent ever since Nerium's birth and she hasn't seen him since. It doesn't help either that when she has ever asked her mother about the absent stallion her expression turns sour for a moment and she swiftly changes the subject while forcing whatever expression was there before back on her face. 

    When she was little, she had a tendency to try to pick fights with the other uncut members, wanting to practice her fighting skills in case she ever, as she claimed, "came across a huge monster from the outside." Of course, the older ones would laugh at her and agree, only to gently knock her over or sit on her until she gave in while the younger ones might run away to her pleasure where she would pursue them, running through the city with thin legs much too long for her small body and a pleasant laugh bubbling from her lips, giving away that it was simply a game yet time and time again she was scolded for her behavior. She was quite the wild child. 

    Eventually she had matured a bit and her wildness had faded slightly, or at least she had more self-control. Even though she had grown up, her curiosity of the outside world has never faltered and was only encouraged by her mother who happily spoke of new inventions and wonderful new displays of art that a maker or a driven had created. Every little detail had sparked curiosity in Nerium's young mind, leaving her and her mother talking for hours into the late hours of the night. As soon as she was old enough, she moved out of her mother's home and into her own that she planned to fill with all sorts of things from her future travels. If you were to look back at that day and see her, you would laugh at just how absolutely happy she was, acting like a child as she would race around her home, trying to decorate it with the few mementos that others that have explored outside had given her. It was almost as if she were a child again that day. 

    Once she had settled into her new home, a pang of loneliness filled her as she longed to hear her mother's stories once more. It took her a few days but she eventually became an echo. She loved to speak to the others of the new generation and didn't quite mind the looks that the old generation gave her but that curiosity of the outside world that had gripped onto her mind since she was little refused to release her. She continued on this way for around five years until it finally clicked inside of her that even though her mother may be happy staying underground and simply listening to the tales of others, Nerium was not. She wished to leave the tunnels and bring back wonderful things that would change the Breim for the better. 


Dot Bullet (Light Blue) - F2U! Fears
    - Thunder (living underground hasn't exactly helped her face this fear much)
    - Death
    - Abandonment

Dot Bullet (Light Blue) - F2U! Likes
    - Flowers
    - Music  
    - Adventure
    - Discovering New things
    - Spacey Colors (purples, blues, etc.)
    - Stars  (space in general)
    - Meeting new equines

Dot Bullet (Light Blue) - F2U! Fun Facts
    - Has never been in a romantic relationship before
    - If she could have any familiar she would get a cougar or any other type of wild, large cat
    - Dislikes the colors yellow and red but shimmering golds and glittering reds are an exception
    - Has a low tolerance for those who are rather conceited
    - Harbors a deep anger towards her absent father and most of the Breim simply just ignore the subject of the absentee stallion around her so if they knew him, Nerium has no idea

Dot Bullet (Light Blue) - F2U! Song - Renegades - X Ambassadors (Whitney Woerz Cover) (may get changed later but it kinda fits if you look up the meaning)

Roleplay Status

Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! OPEN Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! 

Preferred Methods of Roleplay
Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! Skype | Google Drive/Docs | Forum | Notes
Maroon Dot Bullet - F2U! Comments | Microsoft Word Documents

Current Roleplays
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fossature's avatar
*has come back and seen the loVELY SHINY APP ART WOW*
nerium is sO PRETTY HOW