Zerg logo with colorsNeptas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/neptas/art/Zerg-logo-with-colors-271394605Neptas

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Zerg logo with colors



Colored version !

I was thinking at start : "I'll do this, and then this ...", and finally I just randomly choose a pen and a color and start doing things here and there.

Yay ! There is a lot of purple, and I really appreciate the rendre of the shadows. However I think it's a bit too dark, but hey, Zergs are not creatures of light :o

I'll certainly do another version of my logo later.
Image size
1021x904px 349.21 KB
HP pst_p02b
Date Taken
Nov 17, 2011, 7:08:56 AM
© 2011 - 2025 Neptas
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Aquilla-Whingate's avatar
Hehe, it is good to see you finished the spiral that is the Zerg logo. I do say this form does not look bad at all an the nice diffuse violet glow adds just enough coherent ambient light to make the symbol stand out more than if t did not have that effect. the green in this is a nice accent to all the violet and to its red centre, if you are editing this any further it should be just as interesting, and nice work on this pic. :) :thumbsup: