The Halloween GangNeotomi on DeviantArt

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The Halloween Gang



Despit ethe program crashing and deleting my work on 4 characters, I went back and redrew them.

So here are some of my characters dressed up as characters from some of my favourite webcomics.

Assuming you're not one of the people who saw the previous version of the drawing with the answers in the descritpion, can you guess who dressed up as who? They're mostly pretty easy if you know the series they're from.

To see the version of the picture that shows the characters before they got costumed-up click here: [link]

You get extra bonus points if you can figure out which character I wanted to dress Right up as, but didn't, seeing as there's already a character here from the same series.

WARNING: Comments probably contain spoilers.
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1153x612px 209.68 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Neotomi
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LPHogan's avatar
Hehehe, I'll say, this is definitely an inventive and creative use of cameos :D