
Dying is an Art - V.

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Literature Text


Then I met you,
and you took a hold
that she can forget
but I cannot. You
are too good to be

I don't remember what
I first

but I
know that I grew to
love you, despite your
flaws. For such a name,
you had few trees. Instead,
there were angry children
and hateful love. But that
isn't your fault, is it?

It was too much,
so we had to leave.
(I promise that
I'll come back to you.
I promise.)
I'm posting the various short poems from an autobiographical project I did last semester. They aren't amazing because I (admittedly) didn't take a lot of time on them. I'll include the description from some of them (since we had to explain them as well), but for some, I'd rather not since they are very personal.


I lived in Cedar Grove (in various buildings) the majority of my childhood. I think it was from about the end of the 3rd grade to the beginning of 4th, and then later from mid-5th grade until graduation from high school. This poem is about the initial time that I lived there. It is shorter because of how short my time there was the first time, but I mention that I will come back (and do). The mention of the town being full of “angry children” and “hateful love” is similar to what I meant about Oostburg. Cedar Grove wasn’t as hateful and conservative and judgmental as Oostburg, but it could come close. Also, I experience a lot of bullying and rudeness in my younger childhood there. However, as I grew up, it got better and I learned to actually enjoy it there. There is more about that later, though, after I leave and come back from Cedar Grove.
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