neoshayna888's avatar


121 Watchers113 Deviations

Dying is an Art - XVIII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XVII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XVI. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XV. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XIV. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XIII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XI. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - X. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - IX. by neoshayna888, literature

See All

Dying is an Art - XVIII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XVII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XVI. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - XIII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - X. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - IX. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - VII. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - V. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - IV. by neoshayna888, literature

Dying is an Art - II. by neoshayna888, literature


Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

6-14-2010 by neoshayna888, literature

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (131)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio
//Remember, you came from the stars. You're perfect just the way you are.//

Current Residence: Sheboygan, WI
Favourite genre of music: Anything and everything.
Personal Quote: With no power comes no responsibility.

Favourite Movies
28 Days Later, Donnie Darko, Gamer, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Kick-Ass, Ben X, Inception.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360 or PC.
Other Interests
Reading, writing, music, movies, gaming and conversing.

Second Semester

0 min read
It's already nearing the end of second semester. Wow. I haven't been writing much lately, but I'll see if I can add some newer stuff soon. Not much else is going on with me now. Mmmmmyep. Hejdå!
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First Semester

0 min read
I finished my last (and most difficult) final today. It took me about five hours, and I'm not confident about it. Still, I have successfully completed my first semester of college. Fuck. Yeah. I'm excited for break, mostly because this build up of stress requires a while of relaxation to fully end. I'm already starting to feel it, though. I've been so happy since I sent in my last final. I can't stop smiling. Now that I'll have more free time, I'm going to try to write more. I have a bunch of poems that I wrote for an autobiographical project for Life Writing, but many are only so-so. If I like any in particular, I'll submit them. Otherwis
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0 min read
It's finally (almost) here! I'm incredibly excited as this is the first year I'm really trying. I hope that I'll "win" and get 50,000 words, but I'm worried that college (and like in general) will get in the way. I'm still excited, though. For those that don't know what NaNoWriMo is, here's the website with all the information: Basically, it's called National Novel Writing Month, and those that sign up try to write an entire novel in one month (November). The goal is 50,000 words. That's about 1667 words per day. Oy. But this time I actually have an idea somewhat planned out, so hopefully I'll get somewhere this ti
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Profile Comments 4.8K

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I'm a few days early, but I hope you have a happy birthday! :D
Happy birthday! :D
Happy Birthday~ :iconcelebrateplz:
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's July 1st which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year! Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love: 

--- Birthdays Team 
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: TaNa-Jo
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's July 1st which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: ~KoudelkaW
Hello! :cake::party:
Happy [early] birthday!
Wishing you a wonderful year, and may it be a colourful and full of excitement!